START HERE: Welcome to Bethanie

Welcome to the Seven Stories Course. We're excited for the journey you are setting out on. To get the most from the course, here are a few useful tips...

THE BOOK. The Seven Stories Course first saw the light of day as a book - The Seven Stories That Shape Your Life. There is a lot more content in the book than we are able to cover in the course, and the two go very well together. If you want the deep dive that will allow you to fully explore each of the stories, the book is available from Amazon (UK) at:

US customers can find the book at:

As L.A. Pastor Christian Martinsen says in his review:

"No book I have ever read puts the stories and key themes of scripture together in such an effective way... exposing poor theology that has crept into the church and our understanding of scripture... amazing book. Highly recommend."

THE WORKBOOK. Whilst you don't necessarily need the Seven Stories book in order to follow the course, you will need the workbook. You will be able to download each section of this in pdf format as you go through the course - but for the full experience it is best to have the published version. This is available from Amazon in the UK at:

And in the USA at:

[Currently only available in English, the workbook is also available from Amazon in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Japan, Canada and Australia.]

THE EXERCISES. Throwing stones; sharing stories; staring through open windows - participants in the residential Seven Stories course have become used to exploring the material through active exercises. For the most part these are described in the Workbook. Where you can, we encourage you to pursue these exercises alongside the course videos. You will also find space in the printed workbook to record your responses and questions, along with additional material in the form of poems and inspirational quotes. All this is in place so that you can further explore the themes raised in each of the stories.

GROUPS. We have designed this online course so that an individual participant, watching the videos on a laptop or smartphone, can experience the full benefit normally only available to residential groups. Having said that, we recognise that there can also be great value in following the Seven Stories as a group. We're quite happy for you to share the videos in a group setting, and we encourage you to find perhaps two or three others to pursue the course at the same time as you.

CREDITS. We want to express our thanks to Warren Callaway of Fig Tree Media Group for his work filming, editing and producing the videos for this course. Thanks to Mike Lazenby and Curtis Callaway for production assistance, and to Tom Appel, Martin Young and Hollie Stone for their participation. Original music by Tom Appel.

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